간단한 타이머 성적 확인(CHECKER)-수능&모의고사

by MtaeK



● There is an exam timer and a mock test timer, so you can easily measure the time right away!● You can check the remaining mock exams and exam schedules at a glance!● You can record your grades for each subject and check the cumulative grades so far!Download CHECKER - CSAT, Mock Test Timer & Score Checker App Now-main screenThe cumulative number of solves for each subject is displayed, and it has been developed so that you can recognize which subjects are lacking and sufficient. In addition, we have made it possible to see all the D-days of mock exams and exam days so that we can prepare for and imprint on future exam days.- Measurement of time by subjectIf you press the button for each subject, the time of the desired subject is displayed immediately so that you can use it.- Enter and view subject gradesBy entering the year, month, grade, grade, and score for each subject, you can compare the test scores you have solved in the past by reviewing them again.